Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does this work? How do I get access to your news reports for online job listings?
A: After you have signed up and confirmed your contact email address, we will send you our jobs newsletter. This newsletter is sent via email and it contains new job postings. Depending on the volume of new jobs being posted we may send up to 5 emails per day with updated jobs and advertisements.
Q: How do I get access to all of your old job postings?
A: Immediatley after confirming your registration you will be provided with free access to our website that has recent job postings as well as other popular online income resources.
Q: For which industries do you report work at home jobs?
A: In many industries, which are far too many to list here. Some days there may not be any new jobs for the industry that you desire, while other days may contain multiple listings.
Q: Is this service really free?
A: Yes it is. There are no tricks or gimmicks. We have helped many people obtain work at home jobs at no cost through our news reporting service.
Q: It's great that registration is free, but do you send obsolete data like other companies who charge for work at home postings?
A: We have a team of researchers and verifiers who work every day to provide new accurate job postings. While some positions will fill quickly, we do our very best to only send our member's up to date postings so you do not waste your time.
We are different because we are a new reporting company, not a job list vendor that posts for money.
Q: How often do you get new work at home jobs?
A: Every day. We will send you our daily newsletter as well as up to 3 special offers / advertisements per day. Our email newsletters may have just a few jobs listed or they may contain several new jobs. Every day is different and hard to predict. You may unsubscribe at any time from either the newsletter or offers. Each must be done individually. Or you may send us an email, and we will manually unsubscribe your email from all of our files.
Q: What if I have received a work at home job and no longer need your email newsletter?
A: If you no longer need our new job updates because you have successfully started working from home, then simply opt-out or unsubscribe from our next email update. Every email we send will have the option for you to unsubscribe. But, before you do so, make sure this is what you want because once you unsubscribe you will not be able to rejoin using the same email address.
Q: I accidentally unsubscribed from your jobs newsletter. How can I re-join?
A: You may re-join by signing up on our registration form, but you must use a new email address. To respect our members' wishes, once a member has unsubscribed, whether it was accidental or intentional, they will be unable to receive messages to the old email address.

Need additional information or have a different question? Submit your request here!

You can also mail your questions to us @ Home Jof Finder, 929 E Main St #132, Mount Joy, PA 17552